Iwood Road 30th April AD2018

Iwood Road 30th April AD2018

This was the first walking survey. The aim: to discover local minor roads in the North Somerset area. The putative Road, proposed by YCCCART (local archaeological group) goes through Iwood Manor (ST45500 163064) east of Congresbury, very roughly on a north south direction. The line starts at the southern edge of Broadfield Down at Ball wood, proceeds south along a track, then along Iwood Lane, then through Iwood Manor, then across two fields before rejoining Iwood Lane, crosses the Congresbury to Churchill Road then continues as a hedgerow, to King Road and a short way beyond. There is no clear continuation north into Broadfield down (Presumed possible destination Gatcombe.Might possibly originate in Broadfield Down where there are iron workings). Also no clear continuation south (presumably aiming towards Winthill Roman town on the south edge of Banwell).

1a) Field just south of river opposite Iwood Manor Linear depression running roughly north and south - could be on the line

Field covered with the dandelions except in the depression which has docks suggesting residual dampness. Not able to look into the elephant grass field to the south. Ditch seems to point at small pond just over the edge in the elephant grass field. Possible flattened agger to the east of depression. Might be one of the road ditches. Possible further work:

i) Investigate depression with geophysics or excavation

ii) Look at early maps e.g. tithe maps

iii) Does it line up with YCCCART geophysics in Iwood Manor?

iv) Examine elephant grass field when bare of crop, firstly along parish boundary roughly north to south then towards depression field from where parish boundary turns sharply east.

1b) Field south of junction Iwood Lane and Congresbury to Churchill Road

Very thick Hedgerow seen continuing the line of Iwood lane to the south

Possible future work:

Get permission from Farmer to walk the hedge. Perhaps dig a cross-section through hedge.

2) Iwood Lane, N of Iwood Manor

Here the line seems to follow Iwood Lane with a clear shallow angle - change of direction between the parking spot and Iwood Manor.

3) Top end of Iwood Lane

Followed a narrow path which continued the line of Iwood Lane on the far side of the Congresbury to Wrington Road going uphill into Ball Wood. Surface showed clear stretches of metalling; could this be a relict surface or lower level of a Roman road? After a while the path forked. One path continued uphill, the other turned roughly north-east to climb the hill at an oblique angle.

Possible further work:

i) geophysics or excavate path

ii) explore through early maps and fieldwork possible extension further into Ball Wood

4) Lane to Hope farm

Followed footpath to pick up hedgerow line Viewed at 1b above. Viewed major change of line south east of Hope Farm as indicated by the hedgerow. The change seems to be at a lowish highpoint on the line.

5) King Road

Viewed hedge line on either side of road. Noticed flattening of hillslope immediately south of the hedge (on the right) suggesting a possible terrace. Saw a small gully Roughly on the line dropping from field level down to the modern road, here in a hollow.

6) Further Actions

A) Iwood putative Roman Road.

i) Possible geophysics or excavation to try to establish the physical presence of the putative Road at various points as suggested above passim. At present we only have a probable line.

ii) Further investigation of the possible line of the road north and south of 30th of April exploration perhaps by Lidar or by fieldwork.

B) Survey day to explore Nempnett to Regil Road

Not sure which to pursue first, either A or B. Any thoughts? Please write a comment.


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